Monday, September 5, 2011


As I sit on the front porch of our house with the wind blowing not as genle as it could. I watch a not so little blonde boy pedaling this heart out on his tricycle to keep with his daddy who is on a mini bike. As daddy passes him for the 4th time, i hear him yelling I'm supermam! No thwt was not a typo he says supermam. As they head to the house, daddy let's him lead the way, upon reaching the driveway I hear " I WIN!" He is so proud of him self. The wind could not be cooler, the weather could not nbe nicer. Im almost finished typing this and I look down at my other not so little redhead and he is asleep, the cool air, the rustle of the trees were his lullaby this Labor day. I love my family and so glad god blessed me with such wonderful boys, all 3 of them!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby Bean

On Dec 17 we found out that we are having another BOY! Kyle will be a big brother to a little boy. Everything is right on track and looking good. We don't have a named picked out yet, but people say we have some time left. We have a list but nothing set in stone. We are very excited to meet our new little boy May!

Christmas 2010

Kyle playing in the snow

Ross and I

Kyle sledding own a little hill. He had a great time.

Kyle really enjoying the snow

We went to Georgia for Christmas this past year, Ross' parents rented a cabin in north Georgia and his Mother, father, aunt, Uncle, brother and his new wife, older sister and her husband and his younger sister and her boyfriend where all there to help celebrate Christmas. Christmas day it even snowed! Living in Memphis we have seen snow a few times, but most of the family had not seen it, so it was new, fun and exciting for them. We even had a snow ball fight, which I was lucky enough to be on the outside looking in with my camera. We all got together for a family picture outside. all the men wore green and the women wore red, so that the different colored shirts were visible we didn't wear a coat outside, yes it was kinda cold.

Kyle's 3rd Birthday

This year we decided to have a birthday party for Kyle. The last 2 years we have just had family party. Since he is getting older, becoming more social( he gets that from me) and is getting more friends that he loves to play with, we thought he would love to have a birthday party at the house. So December 4, 2010 came and he had a great birthday. I think he got every toy, ever made. I made cupcakes and my mom was here to help out which was so nice, being that I was 5 months pregnant. Over all his birthday party was a great success! Thanks you to all of his friends who made it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kyle's 1st blog

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Thansgiving 2010

We had a very exciting Thanksgiving this year. Instead of having family come up to Memphis, we went to Florida. We weren't going to have anyone here for Thanksgiving, so we went ahead and decided to head home. That way we would be able to see a lot of people. We got to see and meet new family members on Daddy's family and got to hang out with mommy's family. Kyle got to meet and play with 3 of his cousins who are around his age

He had so much fun playing in a dirt bile with the 2 boys and 1 girl. They were all filthy and couldn't have been happier. Both Kyle and I got to meet some of Daddy's older cousins whom are closer to our are not Kyle's, but he still had fun. It was so nice to see everyone again and let Kyle just play with new cousins. We even had an extra passenger on the way home.

Kyle's Mor Mor ( my mom) came back with us! It was so nice to have her around to help with things and have a extra set of eyes on him.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

In the Jordan house we had Woody over for Halloween. Yep Kyle was Woody from Toy Story. He has been on the Woody and Buzz kick for some time now. He had a great time going trick or treating. We had some friends over for dinner (a couple who have a son around Kyle's age and they are best friends.) After we ate dinner the moms put on the kids costumes and the dads headed out with Woody, Rex, and the cutest little witch (Oliver the T-Rex's sister.) I stayed at home with Jenelle Oliver and Reagan's mom to hang out candy to the other trick or treaters. About an hour later our small group was seen walking home in the dark. They didn't get a lot of candy, but that's fine. We don't need a huge sugar high. Kyle was so excited to be able to go walk around and meet people!